We're making two short films this summer (see other entries for more info...) and we're looking for talented, experienced, generous actors to cast in 5-6 roles (we're in talks with one actor right now...). You must also be extremely good looking.
TALENTED - means that you've practiced the craft of acting, you've had at least a bit of training. It means that you've gotten massive amounts of positive feedback from audiences about how TRUE your performances are (not including your mom). It means that you are not afraid of taking risks. You're comfortable in your body. You love to do deep character work. But you also love being in the moment.
EXPERIENCED - means that we'll probably choose actors who have had experience with film over those who have not. One of our films is extremely demanding technically so we really need folks who can be as professional as possible during that shoot. Because of the nature of STICK IN THE MUD (there's a VERY long take involved), alot of stage experience could really make up for inexperience in film.
GENEROUS - means that you live your life out of a sense of abundance. You don't think about your relationships in competitive ways. You believe that there is something really good inside of the people that you are working with even when its hard to find. You don't bring a great deal of personal and off-set drama into the mix.
EXTREMELY GOOD LOOKING - seriously. You have to be so devestatingly good looking that you enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror or in pictures. (In other words, if you believe that you're beautiful, we will too. That means a lot in film.)
All the roles are for folks in their twenties. There are more good roles for men than for women. And yes, we're disturbed that we're reinforcing those filmic stereotypes, too.
Our first look at you will probably have to be through the internet or some other long distance medium, so if you're interested, point us to a YouTube (et.al.) for us to check out...OR....send us an email and we'll send you a snailmail or a script and you can send us a reel or at least interpret some lines from our scripts and send us a YouTube link.
We can't pay you (unless we make money later) (which we probably won't), but we'll pay your mileage (for driving), put you up in some relatively sweet digs and feed you some lovin' home-cooked food.
Hurry! We're casting ASAP!
[update: we obviously are no longer casting. For a look at our amazing cast (who met all the requirements!)
look here.]